As Go 1.23 reaches Release Candidate status the previous rangefunc experiment has been stabilized and iterators are a part of a compiler and a standard library.

  • The iter package provides common type definitions.
  • The slices package has several functions that work with iterators
  • The maps package has several functions that work with iter.Seq2 and maps

Installing a release candidate of Go

Since Go 1.23 has not been released yet, you need to install a release candidate. With recent changes and a GOTOOLCHAIN support, this is easier than ever.

# Given an installed go compiler
$ go version
go version go1.22.5 linux/amd64
# Get the release candidate and set it in a go.mod
$ go get go@1.23rc2 toolchain@1.23rc2
# And make it a default
$ GOTOOLCHAIN="go1.23rc2" go version
go version go1.23rc2 linux/amd64
$ cat go.mod

go 1.23rc2

A simple export GOTOOLCHAIN=go1.23rc2 is all that is needed to make go and a language server and other tools to work with a new release. See the Forward Compatibility and Toolchain Management in Go 1.21 from the Go Blog for more details.

it v0.1.0

Changes to a standard library made most of obsolete. And it is never a good idea for third-party packages to compete and duplicate it. Surprisingly neither Filter, neither Map helpers got there, making it@v0.1.0 a perfect place for them. To be closer to the standard library these helpers exists in a respective subpackage

  • islices provides filter and map on top of iter.Seq
  • imaps provides filter and map on top of iter.Seq2

The it itself provides a Chain and Mappable structs providing a chainable API for a helper functions.

package main

import (


func main() {
	n := []string{"aa", "aaa", "aaaaaaa", "a"}
	ch := it.NewMapable[string, int](slices.Values(n))
	slice := ch.
		Filter(func(s string) bool { return len(s) >= 2 }).
		Map(func(s string) int { return len(s) }).

Request upgrade

As soon as the new release v0.1.0 was tagged, showed obsolete information. It turns out that there is an easy process for requesting an update.

Let me use a hypothetical v0.1.109 release, to make a link work even for the future releases.

  1. Go to the version which does not exists yet (
  2. Click on a button that says Request “
  3. Profit!