Running go mod download slows down each CI run a lot. More dependencies increases time and it wastes the bandwidth again and again. As we do use special CI containers for the task, then go modules can be downloaded during container build phase and CI build will benefit from it. There are many articles about this topic. However most of them discuss one go module per repository or Docker image. As I wrote recently, we do use monorepo with many go modules. So here is the short howto article how to squash all your go.mod files to one to simplify container build. And speedup your CI of course.

The problem

The problem was that go.mod files are scattered around git repo and go mod download expects exactly one file to be used. There were two things comes into my mind

  1. regenerate directory structure as a part of Docker file and copy go.mod and go.sum files there and call go mod download for each of those
  2. or to squash all the files together to see what will happen

Number one does not look like sexy approach and it will complicate the Dockerfile a lot. So the second one looked like better approach.


Fortunately go.mod have script friendly structure, so could be easy to call a few unix tools to do the work. See an example from example repository gazpacho


require ( v0.0.0-20181109075706-a4ae50527451 v2.2.1 // indirect

replace => ../g/cfg

What we are interested in is the part between require ( and ) and it turned out that sed is a perfect tool for.

sed -n -e '/^require (/,/^)$/p' go.mod | sed '1d;/^)$d' v0.0.0-20181109075706-a4ae50527451 v2.2.1 // indirect

First we print everything between require ( and ), see print command in first sed invocation. Then we strip the first line (1d) and line with ).

Then we can combine everything to such awesome shell magic.

find $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) -mindepth 2 -name 'go.mod' | while read GOMOD
    sed -n -e '/^require (/,/^)$/p' "${GOMOD}" | sed '1d;/^)$/d'
done | sort -u | grep -v 'internal.git.repo' >> go.mod

Which will

  1. find all go.mod files from your monorepo (ignoring the top level one, this is -mindepth 2 is about)
  2. for each of those it will print the lines with dependencies
  3. then all the lines will be sorted, all duplicates removed
  4. additionally all dependencies points to internal repo were removed.-As monorepo with many go modules article discuss, we do use replace directive. We do not care tah much about downloading internal dependencies. They are in as a part of git checkout anyway. Additionally one would need to pass gitlab credentials into Docker build somehow. Better to not do it.

What about go.sum

find $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) -mindepth 2 -name 'go.sum' | xargs sort -u | grep -v 'internal.git.repo' > go.sum

There is nothing to show, format is line oriented, so friendly to unix tools without any hacking

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