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Testify: make Go testing easy 2/3

While Go comes with go test and a testing package by default, the experience can be better with testify package. Git hub page introduces it as Go code (golang) set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend. By the end I found the resulting article as too long (~25 minutes) to read, so I split it into Part1 introduces assert, talks briefly abot Python and C and shows basics of testify Part2 introduces table driven testing, more helpers like ElementsMatch or JSONeq Part3 gets more advanced with test suited and mocks Table driven testing Table driven testing is common and usefull go idiom....

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Testify: make Go testing easy 1/3

While Go comes with go test and a testing package by default, the experience can be better with testify package. Git hub page introduces it as Go code (golang) set of packages that provide many tools for testifying that your code will behave as you intend. By the end I found the resulting article as too long (~25 minutes) to read, so I split it into Part1 introduces assert, talks briefly abot Python and C and shows basics of testify Part2 introduces table driven testing, more helpers like ElementsMatch or JSONeq Part3 gets more advanced with test suited and mocks Standard approach Example as it comes with a testing package from the standard library....

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Easy way to check go.mod replace via Linux namespaces

The common problem for monorepo and go modules is that the following It is really easy to miss the go.mod replace directive In a following text we will learn more about Linux, namespaces and container technologies like Docker or Podman. The problem While go build is awesome tool, doing a lot of things in the background has sometimes consequences. And the typical consequences is when we build the software from an environment without network access....

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Correct Usage of Sql Transaction in Postgres From Go

Problem Once upon a time I got a task to merge duplicate URLs in our production database. It turned out that there were a lot of same urls like https://example.com?fbclid=1234 and https://example.com?fbclid=5678 we wanted to merge. Code to normalize URL was easy to develop. Code to migrate the database looked easy as weel. Until I turned the transaction on. Then very cryptic message appeared pq: unexpected Parse response 'C' The error message was telling me nothing....

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Implement Sql Database Driver in 100 Lines of Go

Go database/sql defines interfaces for SQL databases. Actual driver must be implemented in own package. And dependency injection is done as a part of import and build system. Lets go deeper to see how it is actually implemented. This exercise will result in a simple driver backed up by csv files. Who do not want to SELECT from csv file? Disclaimer: I wrote it in order to learn database/sql and to learn more about design of APIs for go....

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Speeding Your Ci With Go Mod Download Again

Running go mod download slows down each CI run a lot. More dependencies increases time and it wastes the bandwidth again and again. As we do use special CI containers for the task, then go modules can be downloaded during container build phase and CI build will benefit from it. There are many articles about this topic. However most of them discuss one go module per repository or Docker image. As I wrote recently, we do use monorepo with many go modules....

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Adblocking in Turris Omnia

As a long time Firefox user I was horrified to use web browser with very limited blocking capabilities. However Samsung Browser is very handy tool for some sites. However the number of spam, scam, or porn pages and advertisements makes browsing there very unpleasant experience. Especially if your kids want to browse that way. However I bought Turris Omnia especially because I wanted to hack around. Source: turris.cz Options As router provides Doman Name Service for all devices in local network, the most common way is to block DNS lookups for specified domains....

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Golang CORS and Testing

Working on a web project spread in more domains brings you to Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. Browsers use it to if it code from one origin can call HTTP methods placed elsewhere. Responses must contain specific headers, like Access-Control-Allow-Origin, which must match requesting Origin of the site issuing the call. More information about CORS can be found at html5rocks. CORS look like simple thing to develop. Just add a few HTTP headers for regular methods....

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Go 111 Modules Monorepo and Shared Code

I recently joined company as a Python developer. However it turns out there is bigger need to evolve their code written in golang (and PHP and Javascript). I am not an expert in go, so it took me a while to figure things out. However I love to learn new things and to solve new puzzles (the real ones, there is nothing more boring to solve artificial ones for me)...