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Limiting Your Gorutines

Limiting your goroutines How to properly implement goroutine pool in golang with input and output channel(s). Text expects knowledge about golang and about Go Concurency. That means I am not going to explain what goroutine, channel or defer actually are. Intro Gorutines are some kind of lightweight threads managed by userspace golang runtime. They save memory and context switches. Therefor it is possible to spawn literally Millions! of them. However as BenPar^W Voltaire said...

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'Modern' Javascript Development for Oldies

My Javascript experience When I started my career, I was working as Junior Developer on web based application. We have had parts written in Java Server Pages, which was great technology combining elegance of PHP with easy to use of Java. We had something in Java servlets, which allows us easier testing and compilation up front. Other parts were in PL/SQL. And of course, the Javascript. And most of our clients has been using Internet Explorer 6 at the time!...

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Make your /usr/local user writable

About I am the long term user of Linux based operating systems. And as a C developer mostly working on stuff built by GNU autotools. Therefor I need to quickly build, install and test new versions of the software. I usually make changes to lower layers (like zeromq/czmq). Typical advice for Linux is to not run things as a root! What is root Linux operating systems are multi user ones. Each user account have own documents and can’t interfere with others....